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Release notes 2020-07-15

Stay informed about the latest platform features and updates in v4.16

Updated over 3 years ago

This article contains description of features that may have changed in further releases. When in doubt, refer to main support articles.

A whole new set of features and improvements are now available in the Nexd Campaign Manager. The highlights from this release:

  • Add to calendar as global or asset URL. This will allow users to add an event to their computer or phone calendar. We automatically detect what kind of calendar application user is using, and create the invite in the correct format. You can choose the event's title, description, location, start and end date, and time. When showing ad in multiple timezones, check the selection in the calendar view.

  • 3D Cube, 3D Prism, and Carousel layouts can now be auto-animated. You can find the Auto animation toggle under the Options tab. Switching on Loop animation will continue auto-animating indefinitely, or Start with spin will automatically spin quickly one time when ad is loaded.

  • You can now use Deck of Cards and Flip Book layouts on desktop. When you have a mobile creative it's easy to duplicate your mobile creative to the desktop format, and reposition all the assets using Asset Library.

  • Import creatives in bulk using an Excel or CSV template. In a nutshell: describe your creatives using the bulk upload spreadsheet, and import the file to Campaign Manager. Read more about how to do more in less time.

  • All creatives have now vector-based gesture icons to enable even faster ad-loading and better visual with all screen sizes.

  • Nexd Asset Optimizer can optimize HTML5 packages in full. We support the most-used media files and return the ZIP file with the original directory structure so your ad will run as before (but with blazing fast images).

Thanks for being updated on the latest changes in our platform, and we wish you a fruitful day 🍐

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