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Bulk create placements

There's an easy way to create multiple placements with a template

Updated over a year ago

One of our biggest goals is to help our users do more with less time. As you probably know, spreadsheets are a good way of preparing for marketing campaigns. With spreadsheets, you can have a good overview of all the placements that you'll need to buy, typically for review with your peers, clients, and bosses. We've made it easy for you to create a simple table of placements that you can upload to our platform, and all placements are done with one simple step.

1. Download template

We have templates in Excel and CSV formats:

The Excel template has helpful tooltips with drop-downs of our placement categories, types, layouts, and supported platforms:


2. Fill the template

For every placement you have to describe:

  • Creative name - Insert a memorable name for the creative

  • Type - Select the kind of placement you want to use. Creative types that have multiple states, such as any expandable ones, can’t be bulk created.

  • Placement size (px) - This is the visible area purchased on the website where the ad will be published. Please follow the format 123x456. Note: when you want to create a mobile fullscreen, then size is not required.

You can also describe:

  • Platform - Select the platform you will run the ad on. Notify our support if your DSP or platform is not listed.

  • Layout - Choose from our predefined layouts. Please note that some layouts are not available for desktop or fullscreen. Refer to Layout specs for further information

  • Default click action (previously known as Global URL) - Insert the link where ad viewers are redirected when users click on the ad.

  • Creative impression tracker (previously known as Global Pixel URL) - Add your third-party tracker which is fired when the impression is served. Please note that adding a 3rd party impression tracker can drastically penalize your programmatic traffic reach. We strongly advise you to use 3rd party trackers only for interactions.

Nevertheless, it's important to note that it is no artificial intelligence deployed and you yourself have to recheck whether you have chosen a placement that is possible. For example, you cannot create a desktop fullscreen placement, 10,000x10,000 pixel placement, or select a layout that we don't have. So, kindly follow the tooltips advice and proofread the file (eg check the URLs; the mistakes are more common than you think).

3. Upload the template

When everything seems ok, it's time to send it to the Campaign Manager. To do that:

  1. Go to the campaign where you want to create the creatives

  2. Click on the “Import” next to the “Create placement” button.

  3. Select "Import data from XLS / CSV"

  4. Drag and drop your file or select "Upload file" and choose the file

  5. Click "Import"

Now all the creatives have been added to the campaign. When there was an error with any of your creatives (eg mismatch of category and type, unknown layout), you will see which creative had the problem, and you can select the correct value from the creative or add it again manually.

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