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Release notes 2021-04-22

Stay informed about the latest platform features and updates in v4.28, v4.29 and v4.30

Updated over 6 months ago

A large number of features and improvements are now available in the Nexd Campaign Manager. The highlights from this release:

  • New layout: Slider. This is similar to Drag to reveal but has two special end card assets that will be shown when the ad viewer drags the image to one side. You can drag the slider to reveal other offerings and add an extra end card for the offering. It works on both mobile and desktop infeed, plus mobile fullscreen placements. See it in action!

  • New layout: Carousel split-screen. This is a fullscreen layout that has a top media asset and carousel module. Dragging left or right rotates the carousel stage in that direction revealing the next or previous image while the top media remains still. Try the demo!

  • Parallax cube layout can now be used in fullscreen mobile placements. Just as a reminder, it was already available for mobile and desktop infeed placements. Parallax cube behaves like a "normal" 3D cube layout, but you can add for every side a second asset. The second assets will be on top of the side and turn with a slight delay thus creating a parallax effect. Give it a try!

  • For customers that have dedicated employees working only with In-stream creatives, we added a new role: In-stream expert. Users with this role can only create in-stream VAST creatives, so their experience is more streamlined and they can focus only on their speciality.

  • We started to use calendar month for all subscription clients. This will simplify the overview of costs and campaign results. All new subscribers will start with 14-days free-of-charge trial. Then the first payment is until the new month (percentage of full price) and the next ones as usual. The next month's invoice will also include last month's overview of campaign CPMs. All subscriptions are renewed on the first of every month at 5:40AM UTC time zone.

Thanks for being updated on the latest changes in our platform, and we wish you a fruitful day πŸ’

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