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Modify mobile interscroller tag

You can modify the interscroller tag to better suit your needs

Updated over 2 years ago


Mobile Interscroller ads are scroll-in ads where fullscreen creatives are only visible through a viewport. The viewport size represents the ad placement space purchased on the webpage where the ad will be displayed. When you scroll through publisher content, the ad is revealed through the viewport. A tag ensures that your ad is in its correct placement, with the right content. You can modify the Interscroller tag to suit your needs better. 


An ad tag, or placement tag, is a small chunk of code that makes an ad call to the ad server for placement information. A tag communicates key parameters to the ad server, such as the ad topic, size, basic page info, and more. It also enables you to track your ad’s performance by collecting and reporting critical metrics. Read the Working with ad tags article to learn more about tags.

Export creatives to generate tags

In Campaign Manager: select the creatives, confirm and download tag as usual (when needed, see our exporting article).

Note: Placement size is the visible area purchased on the website where the ad will be exported. The size of the creative is set to 640x1280 px, which is fullscreen on high aspect ratio mobile devices. When designing, bear in mind that most popular phones have a safe area of 640x854 px.

Modify Interscroller tag 

You can modify an ad tag by first becoming familiar with the structure of a tag. The following Interscroller tag script example spells out the attributes contained in the tag, which informs the ad server of the ad’s identity, how the ad should look, and function. Depending on your previously built Interscroller creative, your tag may look similar to the following:

<ins class="adcads"
  <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="mraid.js" onload="window.mraidLoaded();" async defer></script>

Setup customized tag

Review the following list of tag attributes found in this Interscroller tag to get a better understanding of their purpose. You can then modify, replace, or remove some attributes for customizing your ad tag. Lastly, combine your modified tag attributes with the original, then copy, and insert the tag attributes that you want to use into an HTML or third-party placement.

1. data-adc-id=“b5ulLS0nJB5g" 

Description: it’s a generated hash, referred to as Nexd’s creative ID. This tag ID is the main element that identifies which creative to show.

Default value: None (required value)

2. data-unit=“b5ulLS0nJB5g" 

Description: deprecated. Refers to the Nexd internal ID. Do not change, otherwise, the tracking ID will change and its link to the creative will be broken.

3. data-clickable=“yes" 

Description: defines if the entire ad will be clickable and if the tracking URL will be specified in the data-click-tracker, except for asset-specific click tags. If the click area doesn't have an asset-specific tracker, then the global tracker is used.

Values: yes, no

Default value: yes

4. data-click macro=“%%CLICK_URL_UNESC%%"

Description: a macro is a placeholder for an ad server, which tells it to fill that space with a real value when the ad is served. 

Example: If you want to add a tracking URL, the CLICK_URL_UNESC text should be replaced by a tracking URL each time the ad is served.

5. data-click-tracker=“%%CLICK_URL_UNESC%%YOURURLHERE"

Description: Global Click URL specifies where the end-user will be sent after a click has been initiated. This can be overridden by asset-specific click tags, such as data-click-tag-[1 / card_1 / 2]="YOURURLHERE"

Value: Absolute URL with Macros. For example, the entire URL with macro, such as

Default value: about:blank 

6. data-responsive=“yes" 

Description: if the ad acts responsively. Responsiveness typically refers to how the creative automatically tries to fill the placement or for mobile devices to detect the correct feed layout.

Values: yes, no

Default value: yes

7. data-width=“320" 

Description: the ad width in pixels. This typically refers to the placement size width, where the ad is inserted.

Values: Pixels

Note: Default value not dependable.

8. data-height=“250"

Description: The ad height in pixels. Data width and data-height typically offer suggestions of how big an ad should be, and most importantly, it displays the height-weight ratio to suggest the ad’s responsiveness. The tags AI attempts to understand the type of page the ad will be placed on and how large an ad must be put when playing with ad size. The ad must always fit the determined height-weight ratio.

Values: Pixels

Note: Default value not dependable.

9. data-interscroller=“yes" 

Description: defines if the ad works as an Understitial (background) element or not. Size refers to the viewport, how much of the creative can be seen at once. The creative will always be designed as fullscreen.

Values: yes, no

Default value: no

Additional tag options

When you want to understand better how to use our tags, please read our overview or in-depth article.

Best practices

To ensure a seamless experience with mobile Interscroller ad types: 

  1. It’s suggested that you use assets sized at 640x1280 for optimal image quality on both low and high-aspect ratio devices. For layouts using multiple asset tiles, specific asset sizes may vary.

  2. If your platform doesn’t have an interscroller placement and/or an option to disable Safe Frame, avoid programmatic campaigns since the content may be cropped incorrectly.

  3. Ensure that your ad is inside the feed.

  4. Deal directly with publishers. It’s optional but ideal, as they’re familiar with Interscroller ad placements.

More articles regarding ad tags

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