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Release notes 2020-06-02

Stay informed about the latest platform features and updates in v4.12, v4.13 and v4.14

Updated over 3 years ago

This article contains description of features that may have changed in further releases. When in doubt, refer to main support articles.

A whole new set of features and improvements are now available in the Nexd Campaign Manager. The highlights from these releases:

  • Campaign analytics page shows detailed data for all categories (mobile, desktop, video) and each creative that was published. You can see each category and creative overview with main data and before diving into creative analytics page. There's a splash image for each creative and with one click you can see it in preview site. As always, when some metrics is confusing, just hover over the label and a tooltip with description will appear. Hovering over Total Impressions shows you all the impressions that we collect.

  • Campaign analytics export section is now restructured and has the possibility to schedule an automatic report sent by email. The email has the same spreadsheet that you can download from the analytics page. As you can enter any email addresses, you can "order" the report to yourself, to your colleague or client. You can choose the frequency of the report between daily, weekly, monthly or when the campaign ends. We hope having campaign results automatically delivered to your inbox help you start your day or week with a deep focus on your campaign performance analysis.

  • All mobile interstital ads now show a close button after ad is in view event has been sent. So we allow viewers to close the ad after they have seen it, not before. Users can also change the time by adding data-close-timer parameter to tag, eg data-close-timer="5" will show the close button after 5 seconds the ad is in view.

  • Carousel layout now has video asset support, so you can add videos to one of our most-used gallery layouts.

  • Train layout auto animation can be switched on/off. Also, the duration of each slide can be set between 1 and 5 seconds.

  • All video assets can have pixel URLs for specific events: play, pause, mute, unmute and different VTRs. This can help you track user behavior better. Read more about custom events tracking or multiple pixel URLs. Nevertheless, as always, be cautious when using third party trackers.

  • VAST video can be converted to mobile or desktop creative. We preserve the video position, size, trimming and background settings, and all the CTA and pixel URLs. This is especially helpful if you have an existing VAST that you want to run in a normal placement, just import VAST and select Category: Desktop or Mobile. You can change the placement size before or after the conversion. After resizing be sure to re-save the video position and size via cropping tool (click on the edit icon in Assets > Main media slot) and save the result. This will ensure that nothing was misplaced and the video is optimized to your new size.

  • All creatives gesture icons have been redesigned to be more clear and understandable on how to interact with the ad.

  • And 30+ small improvements.

Thanks for being updated on the latest changes in our platform, and we wish you a fruitful day πŸ“

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