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Release notes - AI Ad Creator & DCO - July 2024
Release notes - AI Ad Creator & DCO - July 2024

New feature description and further reading.

Updated over a week ago

Introducing Two New Exciting Features - AI Ad Creator & DCO

AI Ad Creator

Ad Creator allows you to generate various creatives from your uploaded assets, effortlessly.

You will find the "AI Ad Creator" on the top menu next to the Team Library.

With AI Ad Creator, you can upload your image assets and explore different ad variations tailored to several layouts. Regardless of the number of assets you have, our platform intelligently crafts variants tailored for each layout, so all assets are accommodated for.

If none of the initial variations meet your needs, you can always generate more options.

Just upload 1-10 main assets, and optionally add 1 logo, 1 CTA, and 1 background asset. Then click "Generate Ads" to create your ad variations.

Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO)

Our new DCO feature enables you to automatically optimize creative priority based on real-time performance metrics like engagement and click-through rates (CTR).

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