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Self-Optimizing DCO feature

Let the algorithm decide the best creative to show!

Updated over a week ago

We have launched a new automation feature that prioritizes creatives set up in Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO) campaigns. The automation is based on real-time performance metrics such as engagement and click-through rate (CTR). In the Campaign Manager platform, such campaigns are called Self-Optimizing Flights.

Key Features:

  • Automatic Creative Prioritization: Creatives are initially displayed randomly until sufficient data is collected. Once the threshold is met, the system automatically adjusts the priority based on the selected performance metric (engagement or CTR).

  • Performance-Based Optimization: After each optimization cycle (6 hours), creative priorities are updated to reflect their performance, ensuring the most effective creatives are shown more frequently.

  • Performance Tracking: Users can track each creative’s performance separately, and an optimization dashboard displays changes in priority and key metrics.

How to set up your DCO?

  1. Under "My Campaigns," click on the campaign you wish to set up DCO for.

  2. Choose "DCO Tools" from the left-hand side panel under your selected campaign.

  3. Select "Creative Optimization."

4. Choose the "Export as tag for" (DSP).

5. Select the optimization metric to use - CTR or Engagement.

6. Drag and drop all desired creatives into the asset slot. You do not need to use all the creatives from the campaign.

7. Export your DCO.

8. Watch the automatic prioritization happen!

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