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Release notes 2022-10-20

Platform updates - roller element scalability, pop-up T&Cs and whitelabel of analytics URL

Updated over a week ago

You guys got requests and we got answers! See below what we have been working on lately! πŸ‘‡

  • Ability to scale the roller layout

  • Added an option for pop-up T&Cs

  • Whitelabel shared analytics URLs

Scale roller element

We got two layout options including a roller element - roller (vertical) and roller (horizontal).

If you haven't used this layout type, will explain it in more detail:

  • The roller layout consists of a 3D cylinder with 3 media assets wrapped around it, which rotate. Tracks vertical mouse movement on the page to rotate the cylinder within the banner area. When the mouse hovers over the ad, rotation stops. Can also be rotated by clicking and dragging.

Previously, the Roller layout had limited editing options, but we have now added scalability to it.

Users can now set the preferable scale of the Roller. It can be done by sliders, that make the roller element in the ad go bigger or smaller. Users can scale the roller's X-axis (width) or Y-axis (height).

When you are building your creative, you get to adjust the scale under Options -> Behaviour as shown below.

Check out Roller layout examples from our Demo Gallery.

Terms & Conditions

As our Survey layout gives you the ability to gather data and there are rules that apply on how this must be done, we added an option to add a Terms & Conditions pop-up to the layout. Previously it was possible to direct the users to an external T&Cs site or write directly on the creative. It is now possible to add a longer text inside the platform that will open up as a pop-up.

This option starts with a footer, you are able to edit the text of the footer. For example, you can edit the footer to say "Terms & Conditions". Then from click actions, you can choose a pop-up instead of a link. There you'll get an option to add a long text with all the details needed.

The benefit of this update is that it is not necessary to navigate away from the ad in order to read the Terms & Conditions. Users can simply open the pop-up and close it when needed.

Whitelabel URL for Enterprise clients

We have added an advanced whitelabel option for Enterprise clients.

In addition to whitelabeling the preview link, whitelabel clients now have the opportunity to also whitelabel their shared analytics URL. It's possible to customize the colour, domain name and logo.

To find out more, contact your Customer Success manager.

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