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Release notes 2022-11-03

Long text pop-ups on all layouts, videos as overlays and faster analytics

Updated over a week ago

Our engineers are working speedily to fulfil your wishes! A few weeks ago, we launched the option to add a long text pop-up to the survey layout and update the roller layout.

Now we have even more fun updates to share with you.

Long text pop-ups on all layouts:

You are now able to add pop-ups with longer text on all layouts, this could be used for T&Cs, disclaimers or for anything else that needs a longer written format.

You can add a pop-up with the longer text to layouts works through added overlays. You would need to add an overlay from under Extras. This could be a logo file or an image with "Read more" written on it or something else that indicates that the element is clickable. Then from Click Actions, you will choose "Asset-specific click actions" and you can add the type "Pop-up" for the overlay asset you added earlier. Right there you can include the long text that will appear on the pop-up when clicked on.

Make sure you also add a "Default click action" under Click Actions and choose a destination URL for your advertisement.

Process of adding long text and how the pop-up appears

Click on the example below to see a pop-up in action:

Pop-up feature

Video overlays:

We continue adding new capabilities to layouts to give you more creative power. One of the latest changes enables you to now also add videos as overlays.

All overlay media allows videos and gifs to be inserted. This will allow the users to create more animations and interactions.

In the Nyx example below, the top asset is Main Media (click on the example to see the animated creative), and the overlay video is the gif below, where some elements are animated to capture more attention.

Video overlay, example NYX Money Heist campaign

Click on the image for the animated example

Faster downloading of campaign analytics πŸ“ˆ:

The sidebar description of "Export reports" is changed to "Export campaign reports".

In order to make the downloading of campaign analytics faster, we remove the excess creative data from reporting.

You now have two options for download: a report with creative information (less than 50 creatives) or without creative information. You are also able to download the data on singular creatives as well.

Additionally, we added a survey to the platform to get to know you and your needs better. Please do find the 1-2 minutes to answer the survey in the Campaign Manager when it appears. Thank you!

If you have any requests that might make your job easier, do let us know, we are all ears! πŸ‘‚

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