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Export for Google Ads

Google Ads platform has some limitations that you should be aware of

Updated over 6 months ago

Let's cover the most important rules and steps:


Edit: September 2024

Previously there was a limit of 150kB for creatives uploaded to Google Ads but that was changed on Q3 2022. Google Ads allows advertisers to upload rich media creatives up to 600kB.

If you do your programmatic advertising through Google Ads you will be happy to learn that now you are able to use many more of our interactive layouts there. Previously Google Ads didn't allow creative files bigger than 150kb. However, they have now added an update which allows uploading creatives up to 600kB if they are packaged in a zip file.

When exporting creatives from our Campaign Manager make sure you download each creative separately, otherwise, you might create a zip file much bigger than 600kB.

Remember, when adding assets during a creative build our platform informs you on how the weight of the creative is changing with each change.

Read more about various Google requirements here: Google Support.

Cost for exporting to Google Ads

As we do not serve the creatives on Google Ads there is no CPM cost related to that on Nexd. The cost for exporting to Google Ads is included in your Basic (limited to 3 creatives), Solo or Team plans.

If you happen to have a Pay-as-you-Go Or Enterprise agreement, there is an additional cost of 200€ a month for that. This is subject to change. The most updated info can be found from


That means that you should:

  • use layouts with 1-3 assets. Eg - Still, Drag to Reveal, Floating Object, Carousel, Scratch, Scroll to Zoom, etc (Edit: not limited to these layouts only anymore)

  • add only image assets to the creative. To help you, we block adding video assets to an asset slot

  • optimize the whole creative or each asset to achieve the desired quality/size balance

  • monitor the approximate total load size under the creative's quick preview and on our preview site. We also show a caution sign when you go over the size limit.

Please note that the exported creative ZIP size may differ from the approximate size, depending on your selected layout and options. When you are ready, export your creative to see the final size of the file.


No analytics in Nexd Campaign Manager

You will, however, see data for these creatives inside the Google Ads platform. We make sure you see this in the creative list and on the analytics pages with notifications and tooltips like these:

You are able to add Trackers as it’s added in Google Ad Manager but have to be sure that you have consent for the third-party tracking.


Choose between a subset of sizes

Google Ads only allows the following sizes:

  • Rectangles:

    • 300 x 250

    • 336 x 280

    • 360 x 300

  • Leaderboards:

    • 728 x 90

    • 970 x 90

    • 970 x 250

  • Only mobiles:

    • 320 x 50

    • 320 x 100

    • 320 x 480

    • 360 x 50

    • 480 x 320

    • 768 x 1024

    • 1024 x 768

  • Skyscrapers:

    • 120 x 600

    • 300 x 600

Select Google Ads as the platform and export

On the creative view under Export settings choose Google Ads as the platform:

Select and export the creatives as usual. In the export modal, you have to download each creative separately as a zip to upload to Google Ads.

Publish in Google Ads platform

When you have downloaded a ZIP that's within the 600kB limit, you need to upload it to the Google Ads platform:

  1. Create or select a campaign

  2. Create or select an ad group

  3. In the "ad" section of the ad group click Add/Change and select "Upload display ads":

4. An upload area is displayed below. Click on the "Choose files to upload":

5. Choose the ZIP file(s) that you exported from Nexd Campaign Manager. They should appear in the same upload area:

6. When needed, you can click on the icon and the ad will be shown:

7. Don't forget to click the "Add to ad group" button:

Now you should be all set to run the ad in Google Ads.


Please note that when you save the campaign, there may be additional notifications displayed or confirmations needed. In the below example you have to confirm that you are allowed to use trademarks displayed on the ad:

You have to check the exception:

And click the "Save changes" button.

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