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NEXD Campaign Manager & deep linking

Why you should send your audience to the relevant area in an app/page when they click on a creative &how to do it with NEXD Campaign Manager

Updated over 5 years ago

All NEXD Campaign Manager tags have the possibility to add deep links to mobile applications or to their store. We make use of the Universal linking possibility. This means that depending on the device and environment, our tag will choose the correct endpoint to redirect the customer to.

Step forward: Deep Linking and Universal Linking.

What are Deep Linking and Universal Linking?

Deep linking means that the user can be sent to a designated page/spot inside the application. Deep linking possibility can be enabled in application development and we cannot provide the possibility of using deep links in apps that do not have it enabled.

Universal linking means that the redirection is determined on click, of which endpoint should be used to give the correct result to the client. Universal link has 3 (7, if we count the different OSes) different endpoints:

  1. If designated application has been installed, open the application with correct reference

  2. If application is not installed and we are on enabled mobile OS (Android, iOS or Windows), then redirect the user to the store listing

  3. If any of the previous redirection methods don’t seem valid or are missing their endpoint, redirect the user to a designated URL

What are the benefits of Deep linking?

First and foremost benefit is to improve the user experience for the user. Mobile applications usually work better for the end-client and redirecting them to the correct spot inside the application will help most for getting the user engaging.

If the user is not a prior application user, deep linking makes the whole experience much easier for onboarding and helps the marketer to track the acquisition and gets the end-user engaged. 

How to use deep linking with NEXD Campaign Manager

Enabling deep linking with NEXD Campaign Manager tags involves adding a couple of lines to the creative’s tag.

Example tag with deep linking:

<ins class="adcads"    
     data-click-macro="${CLICK_URL} "
     <script src="" type="text/javascript" ></script>

Please not that the above example uses placeholder content and therefore should not be used in testing.

 Breaking down the options


This is used in all NEXD Campaign Manager ads as the designated redirect URL. This URL will be used as a fallback URL.


This is the scheme for the Application that can be linked to it.


This is the Android application ID that’s in Play store.


This is the iOS App store URL


This is Optional. If this is not inserted, then campaign name that is used in NEXD Campaign Manager platform will be added as default.

If you have any questions or issues in using this please contact [email protected] for further inquiries.

<ins class="adcads"    
     data-click-macro="${CLICK_URL} "
     <script src="" type="text/javascript" ></script>

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