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New CO2 Analytics Fields

What does the new breakdown in analytics mean?

Updated over 7 months ago

To make tracking the CO₂ savings of your campaigns more accurate and enable you to have better reporting, we have added additional fields to the Analytics Dashboard.

Previously, there was a single bar in Analytics view of a campaign:

Now this info will move to a new location:

Under Campaign Analytics you will first see data for Overall Impressions, Overall Engagement and CTR.

Below that you will see the new more detailed emissions data.

Analytics Dashboard

You will now have a new block in your Analytics Dashboard, that by default, will show you the amount of CO₂ your campaign saved, NET CO₂ emissions saved and the Data Transfer Savings.

If you click the down arrow on the Emissions Data block, additional fields will open.

Emissions Data

CO₂ Saved - The CO₂ saved, original asset emissions - (minus) our optimized asset emissions. Data methodology is confirmed with Scope3 and its users'.

NET CO₂ Emissions - These are the net emissions generated by the campaign/creatives. However, since we use green energy, the emissions are always 0.

Data Transfer Savings - The amount of data saved by Nexd in bytes.

Unoptimized data transfer - (minus) optimized data transfer.

Gross Emissions - Total emissions which would have emerged if we didn't use zero emission energy.

Unoptimized Data Transfer - The amount of unoptimized data transferred, measured in bytes.

Optimized Data Transfer - The amount of data transferred after Nexd optimization, measured in bytes.

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